I-CAR - Full Course Catalog



Presentation Skills Series: Engage

Course format: Online training with posttest
I-CAR Credit Hours: 1 hour
Estimated Duration: 1 hour
Gold Class: $0.00
Platinum: $0.00
Standard: $0.00

This course helps satisfy ProLevel training requirements for the following roles:

This course is an Annual Training option for the following roles:

Completion of the following course/s, knowledge area/s is required:
ED002E01 How to Use the PDP-EE Curriculum, ED003E01 Presentation Skills Series: Reflect, ED004E01 Presentation Skills Series: Connect

Please note: Course satisfies ProLevel 2 Knowledge Area training requirements for the Educator Role. Knowledge Area is called "Presentation Skills."

Presentation Skills Series: Engage is the third in the three-part series designed for Career and Technical college instructors. In this online course, instructors will answer the question, "How will I instruct?" They will view I-CAR's Elisabeth Sobczak instructional videos on how to prepare for class, use effective communication, and manage the classroom. The course highlights various classroom layouts for optimal learning. Instructors will identify the components of emotional intelligence and how to address challenging behavior. In addition, they will be able to download a Sample Classroom Agreement pdf for use in classroom management.


Course Content
Module 1 – Instructor Preparation
Instructors will learn about the important preparation that occurs behind the scenes before class even begins. They will commit to ongoing learning for themselves, as staying up-to-date in this industry is vital to everyone.

Module 2 – Effective Communication Skills
Engaging instructors are effective communicators. Instructors will complete a self assessment and then learn about ways to improve their classroom communication, including the use of flip charts, active listening, and questioning techniques.

Module 3 – Classroom Management
Classroom management involves designing the physical layout of the classroom to best meet the needs of the course. Instructors also manage the classroom through their interactions with students. Instructors may wish to use the downloadable Sample Classroom Agreement to adapt for their own use. Instructors will identify the four components of emotional intelligence in the classroom to create a safe learning environment. They will learn a strategy to effectively address challenging behavior.


After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Terminal Learning Objective: At the end of this module, students are expected to prepare to instruct I-CAR classes.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 1: Identify how to prepare for each class.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 2: Create a personal goal for ongoing learning.
  • Terminal Learning Objective: Use effective communication to instruct I-CAR classes.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 3: Develop awareness of your own communication skills.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 4: Develop effective communication skills.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 5: Identify and use a variety of questions in the classroom.
  • Terminal Learning Objective: Develop classroom management strategies.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 6: Design the classroom layout based on the needs of the course.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 7 Identify the components of emotional intelligence.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 8: Effectively address challenging behavior of students.

Prior recommended courses

  • ED002E01 How to Use PDP-EE Curriculum
  • ED003E01 Presentation Skills
  • ED004E01 Presentation Skills: Connect