I-CAR - Full Course Catalog



Presentation Skills Series: Reflect

Course format: Online training with posttest
I-CAR Credit Hours: 1 hour
Estimated Duration: 1 hour
Gold Class: $0.00
Platinum: $0.00
Standard: $0.00

This course helps satisfy ProLevel training requirements for the following roles:

This course is an Annual Training option for the following roles:

Completion of the following course/s, knowledge area/s is required:
ED002E01 How to Use the PDP-EE Curriculum

Please note: Course satisfies ProLevel 2 Knowledge Area training requirements for the Educator Role. Knowledge Area is called "Presentation Skills."

Presentations Skills Series: Reflect is the first course in a three-part series designed for the Career and Technical College instructor. The instructors will participate in self-reflection to answer the question, "Who am I as an instructor?" They will determine their mindset through a series of survey questions. The course presents a strategy to calm the nervous system for a more mindful approach to instruction. Instructors will explore the nonverbal messages of body language which will offer insight into effective course presentation.


Course Content
Module 1 – Learning Mindset
In order to present effectively, instructors will pause to recall a favorite instructor and assess their own personal strengths. The self-awareness activities will enable the instructors be proactive in noticing and then changing their behavior to impact and motivate their students. Instructors will take a mindset quiz to determine their learning mindset; is it growth or fixed? Instructors will set a personal goal for their instruction.

Module 2 – Mindfulness
Instructors will learn about the neurology of the brain to help explain human reactions based on sensory information. In the classroom, mindfulness will help instructors to pause and think before reacting. The course will offer a strategy to calm the nervous system.

Module 3 – Body Language
Presenting before a group is more than just verbally sharing content. Nonverbal communication has the potential to help or hurt a presentation. Students will view a variety of videos to explore the conscious and subconscious messages nonverbal language conveys.


After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Enabling Learning Objective 1: Evaluate your own capabilities as an instructor.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 2: Assess your learning mindset.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 3: Identify physical indications your brain is under stress.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 4: Develop mindfulness to be present to the students in the classroom.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 5: Practice a strategy to feel calm.
  • Enabling Learning Objective 6: Examine body language that helps or hurts presentations.

Prior recommended courses

  • ED002E01 How to Use the PDP-EE Curriculum